Saturday, 28 July 2018

6 Significant Know how about Electronic Waste Solutions

Technology is 21st century’s biggest boon, and with every boon comes many dangers. The dangers can sometime be hazardous to human civilization and become a reason for its wipe out. The technology is undoubtedly making our human civilization advanced, access to easy life and bringing the best out of modernity. Right from industrial revolution to information technology humanity has seen its days of golden rays.

Today, human are thinking of ‘robotic science’ and ‘Artificial Intelligence’ so the science is advancing the human race. In this race of scientific, electronic, and electrical revolution human is upgrading every equipment, gadget, accessories, and product.

electronic waste solutions
Today, electrical or electronic items are being having longevity of 1 to 2 years and often get replaced or damaged. People often replace them with higher versions and models. The damaged or small defects are often thrown away or given away. So, electronic wastes are increasing day by day and it’s a matter of concern.

The e – scrap are not at all going to benefit our nature and environment. It’s rather going to destroy our environment by polluting it, spreading poisonous substances, and creating an imbalance in our ecosphere.

electronic recycling

Therefore, electronic waste management in India is becoming the need of the hour. Being the largest market with high rate of electronic gadgets and items consumer, India is becoming a dumping ground for electronic scrap. Further, India is also hub for e – scrap dumping of the world.

So, India really needs strong process and methodology to tackle their e – scrap issues. Else, any failure in e – waste management can easily pollute the water bodies. Thus, they can be unfit for drinking, irrigation, marine life and animal using the water bodies.

At the same time land may lose its fertility and become arid or unfit for agriculture or any kind of plants.
  • Note: The electronic waste solutions should therefore, be aimed at taking a more concrete approach to find right measure to dispose discarded electronic items.

  • The obsolete electronic equipment is to be disposed in a way that it doesn’t have any impact on our nature, ecosphere and environment.

  • Tips: The throwing away of electronic items is just not the responsible behavior. It’s not also environmental friendly.

  • To save our nature and give our next generation the beautiful world we should aware of communities with the significance of electronic scrap management.

Few Know how about electronic waste solutions :
  • E – waste results in health problems and impacting negatively over mortality rate

  • 5 lac laptops and computers are being discarded every year alone in Australia as per stats by ‘Australian Federal Government’. This can only lead to environmental chaos, but the only way to get rid of it is recycling.

  • Recycling of e – waste leads to faster conservation of environment, promoting better and health of human race.

  • Recycling of e – scrap or e – waste management will also generate lot of job opportunities.

  • E – Waste solutions are significant for boosting economies with huge financial gains.

  • Recycling also enables government and environmentalist to control toxic chemicals like mercury and lead from harming our nature.

So, recycling of e – scrap is foremost priority and should not be avoided.