Saturday 16 March 2024

E-waste Management: An urgent environmental concern.

 Electronic waste has so many types, including electronic items that are out of service, such as CD players, computer components, washing machines, air conditioners, CD players, televisions, mobile phones, and many more. Once your electronic products start declining or become useless, then they are a waste. But this scrap is not suitable for the atmosphere. Additionally, landfilling of such scrap can create unlimited problems for human beings and the whole environment. The entire world is concerned about the growing amount of e-waste.


Electronic gadgets have toxic chemicals which can pollute the land and surroundings. When electronic scrap meets with soil, it reacts and becomes contaminated. Eventually, such chemical processes can create environmental pollution. Thanks to some e-waste management companies such as BRP infotech, which is taking care of the e-litter.


E-waste recycling involves the complete processing of electronic items and computers in which they are collected, broken, processed, mined, and powdered to get the raw substance. It is essential to discover an efficient method to handle such a significant quantity of electronic products becoming scrap annually. Unfortunately, the amount is not going to stop anymore, even though it is growing like a mammoth every year. If we do not address it effectively, then it can be a breeding platform for pollution, health disorders, and contaminated air.


Electronic waste management focuses on reusing and recycling electronic products instead of dumping them in the ground. Reusing and recycling such scrap can reduce the number of contaminated parts in electronic items. Accurate recycling of e-garbage supports eradicating environmental pollution, health complications and raw material scarcity for electronic items.


Even recycling electronic appliances can reduce the operation cost of those companies that manufacture such items. E-recycling is also a booming industry that is creating jobs and earning possibilities for people. It develops various financial benefits for users, companies and the country. It helps in conversing the natural resources and energy that may be used in the production of the new item.


 It is our most considerable duty to make the earth a secure, pollution-free, and natural place to stay, and e-recycling is one of the influential steps in it. Various challenges are already there in making e-waste management a global mission because only a small percentage of electronic scrap is recycled. Still, with the cooperative efforts of every country in the globe, it is possible to find a sustainable solution for e-scrap disposal and recycling. Dumping broken and out-of-service CD players, keyboards, monitors, pen drives, laptops, mobile phones, and other IT devices in landfills can destroy the earth.


 The toxic substances are present in such devices, and if you dump such items, then it can make your soil infertile. Additionally, these items don’t disappear because plastic and other metals need at least 1000 years to vanish in the soil, so they are undoubtedly harmful. Furthermore, electronic products can penetrate the soil, and they can blend in with the groundwater.


The microscope can easily detect many microparticles which don’t appear in front of our normal eyes. No water purifier or RO system can filter these micro particles. Eventually, such particles can mix in the water, and we consume them indirectly and become the victim of health issues. These chemicals and substances can be the reason for serious ailments such as cancer, internal organ failure and other body discomfort. That is why proper disposal and recycling management is mandatory for these electronic wastes. Thanks to BRP Infotech as they are the leading E-recycling company in Delhi, fulfilling its responsibility to eradicate e-scrap from the earth to its possible extent.

Saturday 17 February 2024

All the Information You Require for Recycling E-Waste.


Do you understand that various machines we use in our house or workplace become electronic waste when they are out of service? For example, if you use a keyboard, mouse, printer, computer, pen drive, CD player, or similar machine, it means these devices will definitely convert into electronic waste one day. Not only electronic devices but mechanical devices, medical devices, and other technical equipment come in the range of e-waste. One of the most used devices is a mobile phone. Controlling, disposing of, and managing e-waste is a worldwide concern. BRP Infotech has been working as a flag bearer in this field. 


Being a significant e-waste managementservice in Delhi, BRP understands our responsibility. It needs accurate control, management, and disposal procedures. Machine and electronic leftovers are not similar to ordinary rag dust that we can dump on the ground. These electronic debris comprise harmful substances and chemicals. These chemicals present in the atmosphere literally become a setback for the overall health of human beings and other species. 


E-waste is the outcome of rigorous economic and technological advancement. India has produced nearly 1.6 million metric tons of electronic waste in 2022. The amount of machine waste has become almost twice that in 2018. It is a severe matter of worry to dispose of or recycle the e-scrap. 


The best method to eliminate the harmful effects of digital garbage is to recycle it. BRP Infotech is a consistently performing e-waste recycling company in Delhi. Recycling electrical and electronic scrap is the remedy to make the environment safe and prosper. The harmful materials that round into the atmosphere during careless recycling can increase pollution levels. It eventually led to various critical diseases and pollution and also became the reason for global warming. Therefore, all nations in the world are working on e-waste management.


How E-waste Recycling works? 

You may be excited to know how electronic trash recycling works. Therefore, we will explain the entire process: -


Collection of The Electronic Debris

Users must accept that the electronic residuals are not similar to the regular waste. The disposal of electronic trash needs a selected collection center, usually a specific recycling disposal bin, or a verified digital trash collection center. Moreover, many significant electronic shoppers are the most prominent suppliers of e-scrap. It is also essential to apply according to the legitimate protocols within the country. 

Differentiating Dismantling and Grinding of E-Waste

The initial action in dispensing digital equipment trash includes labor-intensive categorization excerpts of particular objects such as bulbs, batteries, metals, etc. In this phase, the dismantling of various materials is possible by manual labor to extract worthwhile substances and objects for reuse.


When the labor-intensive differentiation finishes, machines will crystallize the e-litter into tiny particles by crushing or processing them. It is a vital phase of the processing because machines and equipment usually contain several substances. These substances and extracts are detached automatically while cracked down into small-sized particles. 


Separating Particles Mechanically 


After differentiating, dismantling, and grinding the e-garbage, it's time to separate the particles from the powdered form of the scrap. It can be done in two ways:-

·      Magnetic separation: It involves using a magnet to attract metallic substances such as steel and iron. Non-metallic items will be detached by applying eddy currents.

·       Separation by water: Water is also used for the separation of non-metal waste. Water will eliminate all possible pollutants present in the shredded waste.  


Retrieval of Useful Substance 

After the separation process is finished, the substance needs to be readily available for reuse and resell. Specific objects such as steel, plastic, and other metals are ideal for recycling. Reusing and recycling other processed substances and solid materials is also possible.


List of materials that recycling can extract through E-waste 

When e-scrap recycling takes place, it provides many worthwhile and expensive objects. Recycling companies select and identify materials that are eco-friendly and reusable. For example, in mobile phones, micro parts of metal such as gold, silver, and copper are used. Here is the list of materials that e-waste recycling can extract from the digital scrap: -


  • Valuable metals, including ruthenium, silver, gold, rhodium, copper, etc
  • Significant raw substances such as antimony, palladium, cobalt
  • Aluminum, glass, plastic, and other essential substances 

Saturday 22 July 2023

Impacts of E-Waste on the Environment

Electronic garbage, or "e-waste," is alarmingly increasing around the entire globe as technology develops quickly. E-waste consists of discarded electronic devices such as computers, mobile phones, televisions, and appliances. While these devices offer convenience and enhance our lives, the improper disposal and mismanagement of e-waste have severe environmental implications. In this blog post, we will explore the impacts of e-waste on the environment and shed light on the commendable efforts of BRP Infotech in reducing and eliminating e-waste in India.


Environmental Impacts of E-Waste


Toxic Chemicals: Electronic devices often contain hazardous substances such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and brominated flame retardants. When e-waste is not handled correctly, these chemicals can leach into soil and water sources, contaminating ecosystems and posing risks to human and animal health.


Air and Water Pollution: Burning or incinerating e-waste, a common practice in some regions, releases harmful toxins into the air, contributing to air pollution and respiratory issues. Improper landfill disposal can contaminate groundwater, affecting water supply and aquatic life.


Resource Depletion: E-waste contains valuable materials like gold, silver, copper, and rare earth metals. Inefficient e-waste management leads to the loss of these precious resources, increasing the demand for new mining activities, further depleting natural resources, and exacerbating environmental degradation.


BRP Infotech: Championing E-Waste Reduction in India


BRP Infotech is a leading organization in India dedicated to eliminating and reducing e-waste through sustainable and responsible practices. They play a vital role in mitigating the environmental impacts of e-waste while promoting a circular economy. Here's how they are making a difference:


Collection and Recycling: BRP Infotech operates collection centers across India where individuals and businesses can responsibly dispose of their e-waste. They ensure that these devices are recycled using environmentally friendly methods, minimizing the release of harmful substances and maximizing the recovery of valuable resources.


Awareness and Education: BRP Infotech conducts awareness campaigns and educational programs to inform the public about the importance of proper e-waste disposal. They enable people and organizations to make wise decisions and lead to a healthier planet by distributing wisdom and promoting ethical conduct.


Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): BRP Infotech actively collaborates with electronic manufacturers, implementing the concept of Extended Producer Responsibility. They motivate producers to be accountable for the whole lifespan of the goods they produce, especially safe destruction, using EPR. This ensures that manufacturers play an active role in minimizing the environmental impact of their electronic devices.


Reuse and Refurbishment: BRP Infotech recognizes the value of extending the lifespan of electronic devices. They refurbish and repair functional devices, giving them a second life and reducing the need for new electronic products. This approach reduces e-waste generation and promotes a more sustainable consumption pattern.




The mounting issue of e-waste poses significant environmental and human health challenges. However, organizations like BRP Infotech are leading the charge in India to combat this problem. Through their comprehensive approach encompassing collection, recycling, awareness, and collaboration with electronic manufacturers, they are making remarkable strides in reducing the impact of e-waste. Individuals, businesses, and governments must support and emulate such initiatives, embracing responsible e-waste management practices to create a healthier and more sustainable future for all.

Thursday 20 July 2023

Impacts of E-Waste on Health

The proliferation of electronic devices has brought tremendous convenience and innovation. However, improper electronic waste management, commonly known as e-waste, poses significant health risks.


We will understand the impact of e-waste on health and highlight the crucial contribution of BRP Infotech as an e-waste management company, effectively tackling the issue of electronic garbage disposal and indirectly reducing health problems associated with e-waste.


Improper handling and disposal of e-waste pose significant health risks due to toxic chemicals, respiratory problems, skin conditions, water and food contamination, and adverse effects on children's health. Allow us to tell you about the severe effect of electronic garbage on health:-


Exposure to Toxic Substances: E-waste contains various hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and flame retardants. Improper handling and disposal of e-waste can lead to releasing these toxic substances into the environment, resulting in harmful exposure for individuals living or working close to e-waste disposal sites.


Respiratory Issues: The burning or incineration of e-waste, often practiced in some regions, releases toxic fumes into the air. Inhalation of these pollutants can lead to respiratory problems, including coughing, wheezing, and even more severe conditions such as asthma and bronchitis.


Soil and Water Contamination: When e-waste is improperly discarded in landfills, Its poisonous components can damage water supplies and seep into the soil. This contamination can enter the food chain, affecting crops, livestock, and human health.


BRP Infotech: Ensuring Effective E-Waste Disposal and Health Protection


BRP Infotech plays a vital role in addressing the health risks associated with e-waste by ensuring proper disposal and implementing measures to minimize the impact on human well-being. Here's how they contribute to health protection:


Safe Collection and Recycling: BRP Infotech operates collection centers where individuals and businesses can responsibly dispose of their e-waste. By offering safe collection points, they prevent the improper disposal of electronic devices, reducing the risk of exposure to toxic substances and minimizing health hazards.


Environmentally Friendly Recycling Practices: BRP Infotech employs environmentally friendly recycling methods for e-waste. Their processes are designed to minimize the release of toxic substances during recycling, thus safeguarding the health of both workers and nearby communities.


Health and Safety Measures: BRP Infotech strongly emphasizes implementing health and safety measures within its facilities. They provide appropriate protective gear and training to their staff to ensure they can handle e-waste safely, reducing the risk of occupational exposure to hazardous materials.


Collaboration and Awareness: BRP Infotech actively collaborates with government agencies, NGOs, and electronic manufacturers to raise awareness about the health risks associated with e-waste and promote responsible disposal practices. By advocating for proper e-waste management, they contribute to the population's overall well-being.




The improper disposal of e-waste has severe implications for human health. However, companies like BRP Infotech has contributed rigorously in effective e-waste disposal services and indirectly addressing health issues associated with electronic garbage. By establishing safe collection centers, employing environmentally friendly recycling practices, implementing health and safety measures, and fostering collaboration and awareness, BRP Infotech significantly protects human health. Supporting such projects is critical for people, companies, and authorities, and they prioritize responsible e-waste management to safeguard the environment and our well-being.

Saturday 8 July 2023

Benefits of Good E-Waste Management


Electronic trash has significantly increased due to the quickening pace of technological progress. There is a pressing need for proper e-waste management. Effective e-waste management offers numerous benefits for both the environment and human well-being. We will explore the advantages of good e-waste management and highlight the contributions of BRP Infotech Pvt. Ltd. as an e-waste management company in promoting responsible disposal practices.


Environmental Protection


Proper e-waste management has a positive impact on the environment in various ways:


  • Conservation of Resources: E-waste contains valuable materials such as gold, silver, copper, and rare earth metals. Recycling and recovering these resources through responsible e-waste management reduces the need for new mining activities, conserving natural resources and minimizing the environmental damage associated with mining operations.
  • Reduction of Pollution: E-waste often contains hazardous substances that can leach into the soil, water sources, and the air if not managed properly. Good e-waste management, including safe collection and recycling practices, helps prevent the release of toxic chemicals, minimize pollution, and protect ecosystems.


Health and Safety


Effective e-waste management significantly benefits human health and safety:


  • Reduction of Health Risks: E-waste contains toxic substances such as lead, mercury, and flame retardants that pose serious health risks if exposed to humans. Proper disposal and recycling of e-waste ensure that these hazardous materials are controlled, minimizing the risk of exposure and associated health issues.
  • Protection of Workers: E-waste management involves dismantling and recycling processes that require proper training and safety measures. By cooperating with industry standards and implementing health and safety protocols, companies like BRP Infotech protect workers from occupational hazards and ensure a safe working environment.


Economic Opportunities


Efficient e-waste management presents economic advantages:


  • Job Creation: The e-waste management industry, including collection, recycling, and refurbishment, offers employment opportunities. By promoting responsible e-waste management practices, companies like BRP Infotech contribute to job creation and local economic development.
  • Resource Recovery: Proper e-waste management enables the recovery and recycling of valuable materials from discarded electronics. These recovered resources can be reused or sold, providing economic value and reducing the reliance on virgin materials.


BRP Infotech: A Leader in Responsible E-Waste Management


BRP Infotech has been at the forefront of responsible e-waste management in India, exemplifying the positive impact of good e-waste management. Here's how they contribute:


·         Safe Collection and Recycling: BRP Infotech operates collection centers where individuals and businesses can safely dispose of their e-waste. They ensure that the collected e-waste is recycled using environmentally friendly methods, reducing the environmental and health risks associated with improper disposal.


·         Compliance with Regulations: BRP Infotech adheres to local and international regulations for e-waste management. By complying with legal requirements and industry standards, they set an example for responsible practices and contribute to the overall improvement of e-waste management in the region.


·         Teamwork and Attentiveness: BRP Infotech actively cooperates with government agencies, NGOs, and electronic manufacturers to raise awareness about the importance of responsible e-waste management. Through educational programs and campaigns, they promote sustainable practices and encourage individuals and organizations to participate in responsible e-waste disposal.




Good e-waste management offers numerous benefits, including environmental protection, improved health and safety, and economic opportunities. By implementing responsible practices, companies like BRP Infotech contribute to the conservation of resources, reduction of pollution, and protection of human well-being. We must recognize the value of good e-waste management and support initiatives prioritizing responsible disposal practices. Together, we can create a sustainable future by effectively managing electronic waste and maximizing its positive impacts.


Friday 21 May 2021

How EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) Has Helped In Saving Environment

Electronic appliances are essential in everyone’s life. These items are not only providing comfort but also have a significant impact on the environment. During our lifecycle, we depend on numerous electronic and electrical items. But what happens to such items if they are not in use or discarded. The defective, faulty, and discarded electronic appliances are known as electronic waste.   


Electronic device usage is unavoidable, but when we consider e-waste, it is necessary to dispose of such waste effectively. E-waste is not only hazardous for the environment but also has adverse effects on human health. E-waste has become a major issue in developing and developed nations all over the world. Scientists, along with environmentalists, suggest different ways to get rid of this problem. 


India is one of the top 5 nations in the globe that is producing the largest e-waste material. So it is a serious concern. However, out of the whole e-waste, India has gathered Only 20% of e-waste material was for accurate recycling and management. That is why there is a need for rigorous e-waste managementservices in Indiaand it will happen with the help of e-waste management firms. 

The sad thing about most of the electronic garbage is disposed of in dumping ground. However, the E-Waste recycling company in India is doing a great job to reduce this issue. Moreover, policymakers and environment experts are researching to eliminate e-waste harms to humanity.


The efficient method of e-waste management is to support manufacturers to prepare eco-friendly material by maintaining the Extended Producer Responsibility process. As a result, the manufacturer has utmost control over product development, manufacturing, and marketing. Moreover, some responsible electronic manufacturing companies implement the EPR concept to reduce manufacturing costs and environmental pollution. Consequently, the EPR program has delivered numerous leverages to the country like Japan and China. 

As per e-waste management rules, 2011 in India has launched The Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for the first time. The concept has made all electronic manufacturers liable for waste production management. The new amendments to the e-waste management rules have led to E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016. The new E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 indicates that the producer of the electronic or electrical items have to accumulate electronic waste and recycle it to the extent       

Here are the different characteristics of EPR in India


The EPR requires 3 responsibilities, and the amplification of these duties is preset by legislation. The 3 responsibilities are explained underneath:


Informative liability: It indicates that producer need to share information on the environmental features of the products they are producing 


Economic responsibility: The manufacturer will compensate a comprehensive and major part of the expenditures, including e-waste collection, recycling, e-waste management, and end disposal of the products he/she is producing. 


Physical liability: The producer needs to be physically available for product management, quality control, manufacturing, distribution, and effects. The manufacture can hold possession of its products during the whole product lifecycle and hence be liable for environmental harm that occurs through it. 

Wednesday 28 April 2021

How E-waste Management Helps in Saving The Environment


It is challenging to know the exact quantity of e-waste companies and individuals discard every day. Besides having a law determined in various nations about the e-waste excretion every year, there is still not enough solution to eliminate pollution. Electronic wastes are not only polluting the atmosphere, but they also affect badly in human health. Actually, the e-waste generation is elevating every year, and if it is not decomposed accurately or recycled, there could affect health and environmental risk around us. 


The concept of E-Waste Recycling in India is promising, but there is a lot to work on in this sector. The proper e-waste management is lacking in developing country India. However, the evolution of several e-waste management centers and companies has given us some optimistic indication. These e-recycling organizations help in controlling pollution and health risk to some extent. 



When you are keen to find reliable E-Waste Management in India, many names contribute to the country. BRP Infotech is one of the firms that deal in e-waste recycling and management in Delhi. 

With years of computer and electronic waste management expertise, we help curb all types of electronic disposals. 


Our Electronic Waste Recycling Center recommends and assists companies and individuals in providing us entire hardware and electronic devices that are not useful for you. Suppose you have a discarded keyboards, printers, CD Player, Camera, computer, tape recorder; you should now throw them in dumping ground. Rather than giving these wastes to ragman, you should hand them over to e-recycling companies like us. 


As a responsible organization, we tend to follow fundamental rules that can prevent our environment. We will not breach any law that can violate environmental safety and disturb human being health. We have a concrete plan where we target sustainable development and surroundings safety. We help people to perform trusted disposal of e-waste. 


Being an honored E-Waste Recycling Company in India, we ensure that firms and individual can dispose of waste accurately and recycled if there is any possibility. We know proper techniques and conditions that help carry out the process efficiently. We perform smart utilization of discarded electronic items to give benefits to the manufacturer and consumer both. 


We understand that industries emit open waste and electronic waste is dangerous for humanity. That is why we help people dispose of or recycle the waste correctly to help people get fresh breath air. We protect the environment from the anticipated damages by the debris. 


These are a handful of reasons that tell us why e-waste management is essential in today’s era. You don’t have to compromise with your health because we are here to eliminate all the possibilities of electronic rags. That is why hiring an affirmative electronic waste company in Delhi has become necessary. BRP Infotech will not only help in disposing of the e-waste accurately and recycling but also beneficial to guide you in following rules and regulations to save the environment.