Monday, 18 June 2018

3 Importance of E – Waste Management

Electronic and digitization is taking over the world. Today, automation, AI, smartphones, bio-technology, and centrally controlled data are dominating; our day to day life. So, we are living in an electronic and hi – tech society.

However, this domination of electronics also has an adverse side; and our society is facing it. The adversity of e – waste is a challenge to tackle and eradicate. The e – waste is increasing at a rapid pace and now there is a need for effective management of e – waste. The effective management is possible only through a planned recycling, scrap collection and charity of old electronics appliances to NGOs.
  • Note: Electronic scrap recycling is very efficient in eradicating unwanted electrical appliances or equipment. It also eliminates the risks of identity theft and information robbery.
Therefore, we shouldn’t be afraid of opting for e – waste management in India. As it’s a good solution for obtaining benefits from cheap devices and electronic mediums.

Why e – waste management is so significant?

There is growth and competition in electronic industry. We are witnessing enormous advancement and evolution of electronic appliances. This however, is supporting increase of e – waste as their end – of life has reduced.

The reduction in their use ability is reduced due to many reasons. Some of them are upgraded versions are available in the market; better features launched; change in technology; and sometimes high purchasing power. In corporate mobile phones are replaced every alternate year. In offices every 2nd year computers are replaced and its accessories are changed as fast as 3 to 6 months.

So, this escalates the situation of e – waste and sometimes these are dumped in the open space. Dumping of electronic scrap in open can lead to ‘land, water and air’ pollution. Therefore, there’s need for electronic scrap recycling.

The recycling process ensures that the old computers, smartphones, electronic gadgets and electronic appliances are safely disposed. According to one survey 75% of electronic appliances are either stored at houses and many times get accidentally dumped in open leading to hazards. This happens due to lack of awareness about e – waste recycling and availability of options for recycling.

Importance of electronics recycling:
  • Rich Source of Raw Materials: It’s believed that apart from the 10 to 15% gold recovered from e – waste the rest 85 to 90 % gold is lost forever. So, a successful recycling can be enormous benefit to the overall economy. E – Waste contains rich deposits of metals. It’s estimated to be 40 to 50 times higher than ores extracted across the globe according to ‘Unites Nations’.

  • Effective Waste Management: The short life of electronic products and boom in electronic sector is throwing out huge pile of solid electronic waste. So, there’s a need to manage and eradicate the unnecessary scraps. It becomes essential in case of computer waste recycling.

  • Toxic Materials: The electronic devices consist of toxic contents like ‘lead, mercury, cadmium and chromium’. They are highly poisonous, inflammable and can cause harm to the environment as well as living beings. So, it’s best to eradicate them with e – waste management.
There are numerous benefits of electronic recycling, we must give it a thought to protect our environment.